Deaf News: Deaf Greek protests shouting "Give money to Providence Education, go get them from the plutocracy".
ATHENS - Thousands of disabled, chronically ill, parents and guardians with disabilities from across the country of Greece, and teachers in special education and mainstream schools gathered early in the afternoon in the center of Athens, participating in nationwide pananapiriko rally.
The mobilization involved the Coordination Committee Struggle Disabled, the Single Parents Association, Guardians of Disabled Attica, the Association of Workers Unit, Foundations, Schools Special Education, and the Deputy Initiative, demanding "No more mockery, teachers in all schools" as wrote their banners.
The demonstration was attended by the KKE MP Christos Katsotis.
The disabled and chronically ill gathered at Omonoia Square and made protest to the Constitution, shouting slogans such as "Give money to Providence - Education, go get them from the plutocracy" and "euro sacks to bankers, the Special schools were doing warehouses.'
The third memorandum the lowest disability pension is 87 euros, the retirement age for disabled workers go to 67 years and 50% reduction in the state budget expenditure on Welfare, leading to the closure of institutions by loading higher cost care to families. Moreover abolished and cut disability benefits and chronic sufferers and Special Schools close, imposed alimony.
Among other claims, the SEAAN: No cut in benefits and disability pensions, extending them to groups who do not get benefits, such as Deaf, Alzheimer. No pension below 600 euros unemployment benefit of 600 euros to all unable to work disabled, chronically ill and massive recruitment with constant work. No payment for drugs and treatments. Open all Special Schools in full operation, massive recruitment of permanent staff, to repeal the alimony. Source
Related Post - @Deaf Protest
ATHENS - Thousands of disabled, chronically ill, parents and guardians with disabilities from across the country of Greece, and teachers in special education and mainstream schools gathered early in the afternoon in the center of Athens, participating in nationwide pananapiriko rally.
The mobilization involved the Coordination Committee Struggle Disabled, the Single Parents Association, Guardians of Disabled Attica, the Association of Workers Unit, Foundations, Schools Special Education, and the Deputy Initiative, demanding "No more mockery, teachers in all schools" as wrote their banners.
The demonstration was attended by the KKE MP Christos Katsotis.
The disabled and chronically ill gathered at Omonoia Square and made protest to the Constitution, shouting slogans such as "Give money to Providence - Education, go get them from the plutocracy" and "euro sacks to bankers, the Special schools were doing warehouses.'
The third memorandum the lowest disability pension is 87 euros, the retirement age for disabled workers go to 67 years and 50% reduction in the state budget expenditure on Welfare, leading to the closure of institutions by loading higher cost care to families. Moreover abolished and cut disability benefits and chronic sufferers and Special Schools close, imposed alimony.
Among other claims, the SEAAN: No cut in benefits and disability pensions, extending them to groups who do not get benefits, such as Deaf, Alzheimer. No pension below 600 euros unemployment benefit of 600 euros to all unable to work disabled, chronically ill and massive recruitment with constant work. No payment for drugs and treatments. Open all Special Schools in full operation, massive recruitment of permanent staff, to repeal the alimony. Source
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